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 How Does the Glovebox Remove and Maintain Low Moisture and Oxygen Levels?
Oct 12, 2024

How Does the Glovebox Remove and Maintain Low Moisture and Oxygen Levels?

The working gas in the glovebox is continuously recirculated in a closed-loop system between the glovebox Main Chamber and the Purifier (designed for moisture and oxygen adsorption). This process is controlled and monitored by the PLC, utilizing pipelines, circulation fans, and other integrated components.

As the working gas passes through the Purifier, moisture and oxygen are effectively adsorbed, and the purified gas is recirculated back into the glovebox. Over time, this ongoing process reduces moisture and oxygen levels to below 1 ppm.

When the Purifier gets saturation, they can be renewed through regeneration, ensuring continued efficient absorption of moisture and oxygen.


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