O-Ring Flange Windows for Glove Boxes | VTI Quality

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O-ring Flange Window
Jul 16, 2077

O-ring Vacuum Seal Flange Window Glove Box

🔹Flange Type O-Ring Sealed Window

🔹Interal Flange Forming by One-Cut Milling

🔹Vacuum O-ring Sealing,"O" Leakage Rate

🔹Easy Disassembly & Reassembly / Convinient For Maintenance


Comparison of Traditional Window and Flange Type O-Ring Window ------------------------------------------------------------

Disadvantages of Traditional Window----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

No Flange, no sealing grooves: The supporting surface is formed by bending and splicing of the chamber plates with poor flatness and weak support. And the O-ring is glued on the support surface.

● Sealing method: The hollow O-Ring is placed between the glass and supporting surface.

● Hollow O-Ring: By the compression deformation of the hollow O-Ring, the unevenness of the support surface gets Compensated. The hollow diameter is around 2 4mm, some poor-quality O-ring is up to 10mm. And there are wrinkles after the O-Ring is pressed which leads to a high leakage rate and unreliable sealing.

● A kind of Simple mechanical sealing,not a Vacuum sealing.

● Applicable for sealing of Large thin-walled parts whose sealing surface cannot be machined, or for simple sealing of non- vacuum equipment without quality requirements.

Features and Advantages of Flange type O-ring sealed Window----------------------------------------------------------------

The Flange for window sealing is integrallyprocessed, using one-cut milling by a largegantry machine, without seams on the sealinggroove and the sealing surface, which achievesthe flatness< 0.lmm/m.

● One-time laser welding of the Flangeintegrated with groove and the chamber body.with welding deformation<0.2mm.

● Easy for Window disassembly & reassemblyConvenient for operation and maintenance. Endusers are able to take care of Windowdisassembly themselves without needs fromprofessionals.

The Flange type O-ring is embedded in thesealing groove, a way of vacuum air-tight seal.without breakpoints and seams, with strong corrosion resistance and good sealing performance, which improves the overall Glovebox leakage rate to <0.0006vol%/h.

● Applicable for the sealing of vacuumequipment View Window and Sealing Door.

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